The Tobacco Brand Union and JTI have possessed productive partnership on the Sobranie cigarettes approximately for more than three years from now. The latest consequence of this cooperation is through the line platform for a new smoking brand extension of Sobranie Superslims and then marketed in May 2011.
The new design of Sobranie Superslims is the definitive feminine cigarette for our-days smokers, especially for those who prefer premium tobacco products. The main purpose was to invent a special campaign that will remain apart from promotional support enterprises of the brand's opponents and fortify the status and popularity of the Sobranie smoking brand in general.

The world most famous photographer, Peter Lindbergh, well-known for his luxurious work and notorious cinematographic arrangement of scenes, the story of the Sobranie Heroine is divulged too.
The Sobranie cigarettes are manufactured in several places in Europe by the Gallaher Group. The London Sobranie was fabricated starting with 1879, when these cigarettes had just become stylish in Europe. But the original Sobranie cigarettes were manufactured in the Russian tradition, and are still made at Old Bond Street in London. So, Sobranie is one of the oldest brands in the world. Sobranie was the provider of royal courts in Great Britain, Spain, Romania, and even Greece.
Premium differences contain the miter modernizes Sobranie Cocktail and Sobranie Black Russian, which are manufactured in Ukraine and strarting with 2005 in Russia also. Sobranie generates various styles implemented especially for women. They are slimmer than standard cigarettes and also brilliantly colored packages.
For example, Cocktails are five distinct bright pastel shades also with a gold rapier filter, and are the same ring dimension as standard cigarettes.
But, Black Russians are black with a gold foil filter. While both of them Cocktail and even Black Russian versions are described with the Russian majestic eagle and use mixes process to Russian tastes, this is a special blend than Cocktails.
In the end it is important to add that Sobranie smoking brand is one of the most costly cigarette brands in Russia, and is also supposed to be a brand in comparison to Dunhill cigs.
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