There are a lot of cigarette brands that are available all over the world, but some of them are very popular due to their best quality. Philip Morris International and R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company are undoubtedly the biggest cigarette manufacturers. Welcome those cigarette brands that have captured the tobacco market around the world.

1. Marlboro Cigarette Brand
Marlboro is the number one cigarette brand in the United States and in the majority of the countries around the world.
Almost all of the celebrities smoke Marlboro cigarettes.
Marlboro brand was introduced in 1924. The slogan of the brand was “Mild as May”. During those times Marlboro was called a cigarette brand for women because cigarette flavor was mild and the filter was of red color. Red color filter was applied to cigarettes in order to hide red lipstick color on the filter during smoking.
In 1950’s Marlboro changed their sector to men’s cigarettes to improve their tobacco market share. Back then Marlboro was the only cigarette that contained a filter.
There are several categories of Marlboro cigarettes:
Marlboro Reds provide full flavor and are the strongest ones.
Marlboro Lights are available in a golden box. Marlboro Lights changed their name and are now called Marlboro Gold.
Marlboro Milds are packed in a blue package, and are less harsh than menthol cigarettes.
Marlboro Menthols are sold in a green pack. The mint flavor of Marlboro provides a fresh and smooth smoke.
2. Lucky Strike Cigarette Brand
Lucky Strike cigarettes are distinguished by unique, rich and smooth taste.
Lucky Strike has a bit of additives.
The taste of these cigarettes is robust but smooth.
Lucky Strike is one of the strongest best tasting cigarette brands.
3. Camel Cigarette Brand
Camel cigarettes have a very nice strong flavor and contain Turkish tobacco blend and Virginia tobacco.
Due to the fact that this cigarette brand provides a rich and distinct flavor, it may be expensive in some countries, however online cigarette stores offer affordable price for these popular cigarettes.
Camel Menthol cigarettes offer excellent menthol taste. It is hard on the throat if a smoker takes a long drag.
4. Winston Cigarette Brand
Winston cigarettes possess sweet taste and great flavor. Winston provides smooth and easy draw and this can be the reason why beginners choose this cigarette brand of all others.
Additionally, the affordable price of Winston cigarettes is one more reason why these cigarettes are so popular.
5. Parliament Cigarette Brand
Parliament cigarettes are nowadays regarded as being the leader among premium-segment brands.
The distinctive feature of Parliament cigarettes is a recessed filter used mostly for inhaling a small amount of smoke from the end of the filter before smoking.
This cigarette brand is not focused on starters as it possesses strong taste.
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